We assist our clients in the management of their day-to-day tax issues and in the course of restructuring operations. We also assist private clients with the organization and transmission of their private and professional assets. Finally, we represent our clients in their relations with the French tax authorities (tax audits and litigation).

  • Assistance for foreigners moving to France (tax residence, taxation of their income, impatriate regime, etc.)
  • Acquisition, holding and transfer of real estate assets by residents and non-tax residents
  • Estate planning
  • Reporting (income tax, wealth tax, exit tax …)
  • Tax treatment of trusts and reporting requirements in France
  • Assisting companies in their day-to-day tax issues
  • Acquisition and sale of entities
  • M&A operations
  • Permanent establishment analysis (for corporation tax and VAT
  • Tax audit
  • Tax dispute
  • Representation before the French administrative tax committees
  • Tax regularization of assets outside France


Marie-Hélène Besse

> Tax law
> Corporate law

See profile

Philippe Henky

> Tax

See profile

Benjamin Briguaud

> Tax

See profile

Alban Séverac

> Tax law

See profile

Constance Dunoyer de Segonzac

> Tax

See profile

Anaïs Ferré

> Tax law

See profile

Marine Legendre

> Corporate law
> M&A
> Venture

See profile


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