We assist our clients with all compliance issues including data protection (GDPR), anti-money laundering or anti-corruption.

  • Anti-money laundering and anti-corruption
  • Audit and GDPR Compliance
  • Training to employees regarding date protection-related matters
  • Outsourced DPO missions
  • Assisting during CNIL (French Data Protection Authority) investigation
  • Exercise of rights (right to oblivion, right to portability, etc.)


Victoire Grosjean

> Intellectual Property Law
> Data protection
> Technology

See profile

Jeannie Mongouachon

> Competition and distribution law
> Economic law
> Personal data protection and cybersecurity
> Technologies and Intellectual Property

See profile

Bérénice Ferrand

> Intellectual property
> technology law
> Personal data protection

See profile

Clémentine Beaussier

> Personal data protection and cybersecurity
> Technologies and Intellectual Property

See profile

Caroline Chancé

> Data protection & cybersecurity
> Technology
> Consumer law

See profile

Julia Kalfon

> Commercial litigation
> Compliance

See profile

Maria Lancri

> Compliance
> Projects and Contracts
> Governance

See profile


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