Squair, your new model law firm

Freed from the constraints of “traditional” law firms, Squair’s partners provide you with high value-added advice and customized support. Squair’s DNA positions it as one of the most atypical firms on the market.

Why “Squair”?

Because we are “square” in our methodology, our advice, and our relationship with our clients. We also wanted to breathe in some “air” in this identity, in reference to our partners’ freedom and autonomy and the general flexibility of the firm’s structure. By contracting both words, we express what brings us together, which, in the end, constitutes our DNA.

Different, free…

Squair is a business law firm with modern ways of working that aggregates intelligence and provides them with the resources necessary to offer effective support. Complementary skills associated to deliver the right analysis and most judicious advice for your situation at a fair price.
To achieve this standard, we had to erase preexisting formatting, rethink the lawyer/client relationship and assemble a team of free-thinking and autonomous lawyers, experts in their fields. We allowed them to regain the independence and freedom needed to focus entirely on their core expertise and clients’ need. This is how Squair guarantees you agile expert advice. Squair thus combines the spirit and flexibility of start-ups with the power of resources deployed by large law firms.

… And above all, efficient!

After an exhaustive analysis of your situation and having audited the stakes and challenges at hand, we develop a solution and offer you bespoke support. And while Squair is aggregated intelligence at its core, our performance is also enhanced by shared technology. Our lawyers have the best collaborative work tools enabling their mobility and connectivity, wherever they are.


of Squair’s partners are women.

42 years old

is the average age of our attorneys


languages are spoken and shared between the different offices.


Download our presentation brochure to learn more about Squair

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Five offices, in Paris, Nantes, Bordeaux, Nantes and Aix-en-Provence, and lawyers from Europe, the Middle East, South America or China… Squair assists you in France and abroad.

Squair | International | Cabinet d'Avocats